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  • Writer's pictureQuiet-Emerald

Entry #71: Beyond You (Poem)

I have shed my old skin.

My marble interior is now my exterior.

I thought me a beast, I thought me a monster.

I am both, yes.

Both can be things to adore.

I am stronger than your bondage.

Brick by brick, my foundation is laid.

My face brushes against the sky now.

I once had to strain my neck to look up to you.

My knees will touch dirt no more.

I tower over the mountains and the trees.

You were once bright to me.

Your glow has faded.

Your love is tainted.

I am brighter than the Sun.

I am prettier than the Moon.

Now that I see you.

I pity you.

Now that I see you.

I am beyond you.

  • Quiet Emerald

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