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  • Writer's pictureQuiet-Emerald

Entry #68: Return Me (Poem)

I am a beast.

I am a thing.

I am a creature.

I am an abomination.

I want to tear my flesh from my bones.

I want to reveal the fiend beneath.

The dancing corpse at the powwow.

The ghoul stalking the shadows is me.

The darkness overhead is my spirit.

The madness is my voice.

I want to scream to the heavens.

Where no God resides.

Even if there were a God.

I am shunned by the light of the divine.

Cast out of the Kingdom of Humanity.

I am embraced by the cold and the emptiness.

Pity me not, I have no need for it.

Am I not allowed to have a bad day?

Am I not allowed to feel pain?

Am I not allowed to cry and hate the sky?

Am I not allowed to be alone?

Am I not allowed to be me?

Scars and all?

This wretched body of mine.

This blackened soul of mine.

My agony is unending.

The void is my garden.

Return me to nothingness.

- Quiet-Emerald

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