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  • Writer's pictureQuiet-Emerald

Entry #62: Special, Unique, and True (Quiet Thoughts)

Updated: Feb 23, 2022

I hope what we have is special, unique, and true. I cherish our love with every beat of my black heart. I detest the temporary love. For love that is destined to decay, is a love that I cannot hold onto with my cold hands. My love for you is something to last forever, to never crack or wilt away. Am I your forever? Am I your sun and moon? Am I something to keep at bay, to keep at a distance? If I am not, then cast me away, please. If I am not your sun or moon, then close your eyes, and be blind to my shadow. If I am to be kept at a distance, then let me go, let me float off into the breeze like a leaf, lost on the wind.

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