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  • Writer's pictureQuiet-Emerald

Entry #17: Oblivion (Quiet Thoughts)

I’m trapped. My legs won’t obey me. My eyes open windows into a parallel reality that feels like a dream though I am awake. The backs of my eyes feel heavy and sluggish. I fight the sensation with little strength I have. The distance of a few steps is that of a hundred miles. A daunting and challenging journey to get to where I want to go. The light of a thousand false suns burn my eyelids. The pale glimmer of the true sun yields only discomfort. The cold wind bites at my fingers. It feels like the only thing that I can feel, the only thing that feels real. Arms at home remain closed, denying me an embrace that I once had wished for. No companion walks with me through this forest of concrete. I have no one close to me. I have no one to see who I am. I’m completely lost, swirling and drowning in a void of fear and illogical worries. My thoughts manifest like chains, wrapping around my legs, dragging me further into the unknown. My lips agape, frozen in a silent scream, welcoming the black fluid of the abyss into my lungs. I’m drowning. Yet I live. In agony. In torment. There’s no end in sight, and I must go on. I’m a soul inhabiting a lifeless corpse, marching to oblivion with each step I take. Marching in defiance of the tyrannous stars. I must go on.

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