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  • Writer's pictureQuiet-Emerald

Entry #16: The Beast (Quiet thoughts)

Another day comes, the beast in me aches to be fed. I abstain for as long as possible, tracing my nail along my skin, pinching my pale flesh to take my mind off its wishes. Its hunger becomes my hunger. I need to feed. To feed is to satiate it. I cannot give in. It'll only drag me further down. Down where I cannot shine. I don't want to give in. I ignore it. It becomes background noise. Like the rain. Only it's shards of glass falling from the sky into my skin. I ignore the pain. I try to run. The glass sticks to my feet. Through sheer will I hold myself back. It takes every ounce of strength. The day is over, the day is done, and the pain is gone. Tomorrow it will return. Tomorrow I'll hunger again. I cover my eyes with my hands to shut the world out. To rest. But it's on the horizon once more. The cycle repeats. There's no escaping it. Still I abstain. Still I starve. Eternally.

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