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  • Writer's pictureQuiet-Emerald

Entry #13: Embers (First quiet thought)

Updated: Sep 28, 2019

The fire had slowly come to life as it consumed the logs in the pit. Shadows moved along the tent as embers from the crackling wood floated skyward, beckoning for my eyes to follow them. My gaze left this earthly plane and ventured far into where the sky had once been, replaced now by the great sea above. It stretched out for what seemed like forever, filling up all the spaces, like an ocean with no end in sight. Glimmering against the surface, small pin-sized lights, and between these points of light, lay a void, I stared deeper as I caught the sight of invisible waves carrying lone specks of light off to a horizon unseen. Surrounding the edges of this sea, the tops of trees swayed in the wind, acting almost as a frame for a picture out of dreams, barely visible in a darkness that seemed almost suffocating. They had transformed with the night becoming distorted limbs, protruding from the shadows of the earth, grasping at an ocean that they could never reach. My mind was lost in this sea of faint lights, and darkness, but I was not alone, for the flames nearby in the distance had eyes bound for the ocean, just like mine, and together, like the lone specks wandering aimlessly, we too were carried away by invisible waves.

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